GCA – Guest Controller Approval
The Czech Division is participating in the GCA programme according to R & R 5.1.7.
Any user who wants to control a FRA restricted position in the Czech Division has to apply for an approval.
For an approval the following requirements apply:
- The user shall be able to perform ATC duties in English language. Knowledge of the local language is requested.
- The user must have knowledge of the LOA of the position requested.
- The user must have knowledge of the general procedures applied in the Division.
- The user must complete theoretical test related to position he/she is applying for followed by practical check.
- The behavior of the user, especially in respect to other users, must be in accordance with IVAO and Division spirits.
- The GCA will be shown in the user’s profile. It is shown by division, however Czech Division HQ allows controlling only on certain FRA positions the user has been checked for. The member has to adhere to these restrictions.
- The GCA can be withdrawn at any time by Division HQ if the requirements are not met anymore.
Shall the member with valid GCA request to control on different FRA positions, he/she may be required to do a new theoretical and/or practical test relevant for such position.